Parkminster Book Shop

The Mystical Dimension of the Poetry of John Bradburne and a Carthusian
This is a thesis for a MA written by Anna Maksjan who teaches English in Poland. It won her a high distinction and free further studies at University. To prove her theory she compares the ideas and images in the two poets both published by Gracewing. She has a philosophic bent of mind in the vein of Jacques Maritain so the result is 107 pages of fascinating reading.
Lovers of John Bradburne will find thousands of his poems on the website built by David Crystal, the linguist, who has also written about him. See especially By Hook and by Crook a journey in search of English, 2008.
There are three books by the Carthusian, O Bonitas, Whispers fron a Carthusian Cell and The Silence of the Lotus.
As the printed edition has run out this is a photocopy version.
Available Stock: 21